ALIGN Body Mind & Heart
Gina Rose Minyard, E-RYT 500, weaves yoga’s wisdom with life’s ever-unfolding process, bringing it alive and experientially embodied through breath, muscle, and bone, creating a rich and magically alchemical experience through her teaching. Dynamic alignment principles, intelligent sequencing, and thematic metaphor infuse her engaging instruction, with a presence that is weighty, compassionate, and inviting. A “pillar of Grace” in the Atlanta yoga community, she is sought out for her charisma and passion, breadth of knowledge, exceptional grasp of alignment-based methodology, and ongoing breakthrough experiences. For Gina, yoga is a radical practice to bring our truest Self – its steadiness, freedom, truth, and love – into full manifestation.
Gina’s personal journey of yoga, begun in her 20s – though the search began much earlier – has been one of freedom and wholeness. Her dedication to the path of yoga has been exceptionally fervent, and has not only facilitated an increasing experience of her unbounded spiritual nature and an open-eyed bliss, but has, through dropping anchor into her deepest Self, given her the strong container and expansive vista in which to integrate and reconcile all parts of her being, indeed to become more fully embodied. The healing of yoga has been physical – at age 20 she was in a bicycle-to-car accident and suffered a multiple compound fracture to her left leg that had the potential to leave her lame – and also mental and emotional. Yoga asana, deep meditation practice, and somatic psychology process has brought her to be a person of fierce tenderness, courageous vulnerability, and streaming insight. It is for this reason that Gina is so passionate about the possibilities of transformation in any and all domains of our being, and how it is that she teaches with presence, authority, and transmission. Simply put, she has lived this path, and continues to walk it. Hers has been a journey of calling and Grace, and she has been guided by so many authentic and generous teachers along the way.
In this pivotal time on the planet where there is so much distress and upheaval, it is her belief that as each person rediscovers their freedom and wholeness, it makes it possible for all to do so. And, indeed, from the deepest experiences to one’s own life’s unfolding, this work is a necessary part of planetary evolution. It is Gina’s purpose to serve all those who are seeking avenues of practice and study in support of their awakening, to be herself the clearest channel possible for Truth and Light. With sincere humility, she welcomes you as you are and invites you into the limitless potential of your truest nature.